
Celebrate 2014 with a Story-a-Day

 Listen at  AYearOfSoundAndStories.org or on Facebook.

What is “A Year Of Sound and Stories?"

A Year of Sounds and Stories is a region wide campaign to listen to, share, tell and preserve the stories of everyday people in the Hudson Valley.

What does it consist of?  

A story a day – that’s 365 tales throughout 2014 posted at AYearOfSoundsAndStories.org. The stories come from our collection, museum and library oral history archives, The Cube and from our listeners.

Our Mobile App – now you can hold all our stories in the palm of your hand and listen on the go.

Stories from the Archives - Available for the first time, stories from oral history collections around the valley.

Full length oral history interviews at hrvh.org, the Hudson Valley’s go to place for online history resources.

The Cube, our mobile recording booth will be celebrating communities throughout the Hudson Valley by collecting new stories this spring.

Techistory Conference: Blending technology and history to reach new audiences – March 21, 2014 sponsored by the Greater Hudson Heritage Network and Hudson River Institute at Marist

DIY audio  - a new  video series we’ll be releasing throughout the year with easy step by step instructions for digitizing and editing your own interviews.

Listening Matters -  A series of exhibits and discussions highlighting stories from archival oral history collections.

How can organizations participate?

Book an appointment for our Spring Cube Tour

Start a community oral history project. We’d be glad to help or check out these online resources.

Digitize your oral history collection and share it with your community

Help us reach 365 stories by contributing a story. You can send us an mp3 of the story at info@soundandstory.org.  

Post  your oral history collection on hrvh.org

Host a Listening Matters event

How can individuals participate?

Tell us your story or interview your family, friend or loved one.  The easiest way is to get the Sound and Story App. There you can listen to stories and record your own!  Or record your story on your computer or smart phone and email an mp3 of your recording to info@soundandstory.org.

Listen to a story a day.  That’s 365 tales from unexpected places. We’ll be posting them on Facebook, SoundCloud and at AYearOfSoundsAndStories.org

Record a signature sound and send us an mp3.

Learn how to digitize that old cassette tape of your grandmothers sitting in a shoe box at the back of your closet  

How do I get a button for my website?

If you participate in any of the suggestions above, let us know and we’ll send you the jpeg of the virtual button for your use. Email us at info@soundandstory.org

Who is participating so far?

Six organizations throughout the Hudson Valley have digitized their old oral history collections and collected new stories in the Cube: Hudson River Maritime Museum, Nyack Library, Roosevelt-Vanderbilt National Historic Sites, Somers Historical Soceity, New Rochelle Public Library, and The Stone Ridge Public Library.

How is it funded?

imsl, grant funding, institute of museum and library servicesThe campaign is part of  “Voices of the Hudson Valley," a three year grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services and is administered by the Southeastern NY Library Resources Council.









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